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Aisling Centre


mindfulness meditation


Mindfulness is suitable for anyone but can be particularly beneficial for those living with stress, anxiety, depression, pain or illness.  Research has shown that incorporating Mindfulness into a busy lifestyle can lead to improved health and wellbeing.

“My racing mind ‘must do’, ‘didn’t do’ etc. has slowed down considerably”

Mindfulness Meditation is based on the ground-breaking work of American Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn.  For more than 30 years he worked to bring mindfulness meditation into the mainstream of medicine and society to treat stress in all its forms, from emotional distress to chronic pain and illness.

Meditation is primarily about learning how to make peace with your inner self.  It is about learning to listen to your own heart and make.

Mindfulness Meditation is suitable for anyone living with stress, anxiety, pain or illness. Research has shown that incorporating ‘Mindfulness’ into a busy lifestyle can lead to improved health and well-being.

Aisling Centre offers two options to get started with Mindfulness Meditation:

  • Drop -In / Taster Session – in which the facilitator will lead you in the main practices of mindfulness meditation.  These are normally held on the last Tuesday of the month from 7.30pm – 9.00pm. 

No booking required – admission by voluntary donation.  Please check dates with Aisling Centre or on our What’s On page.

  • 8-week Programme of MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) / MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy).  A structured programmes of weekly classes where you will be introduced to 6 of the main mindfulness practices. You will also receive a workbook to help you develop your own practice.

Advanced booking required – contact Aisling Centre for details of programme dates and fees.

Aisling Centre’s Mindfulness Meditation programme is facilitated by a qualified and experienced facilitator. 

Request for Counselling

If you require counselling, please click on the link below, print out the form, fill it in and return to: Aisling Centre, 37 Darling Street, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, BT74 7DP